Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Richard E. Quandt, V. 1.65
Number of Judges = 8
Number of Wines = 9
Identification of the Wine: The judges' overall ranking:
Wine A is Chateau Musar 1979 ........ 1st place
Wine B is 1987 ........ 3rd place
Wine C is 1980 ........ 5th place
Wine D is 1986 ........ 4th place
Wine E is 1981 ........ 8th place
Wine F is 1993 tied for 6th place
Wine G is 1991 tied for 6th place
Wine H is 1998 ........ 2nd place
Wine I is 1996 ........ 9th place
The Judges's Rankings
Judge Wine -> A B C D E F G H I
Bob 6. 7. 5. 3. 9. 1. 2. 4. 8.
Ed 6. 2. 3. 8. 5. 9. 7. 1. 4.
Mike 1. 8. 7. 5. 4. 9. 2. 3. 6.
Burt 6. 3. 7. 4. 5. 9. 8. 1. 2.
Zaki 3. 5. 1. 9. 4. 2. 6. 7. 8.
John 3. 6. 7. 4. 8. 1. 5. 2. 9.
Orley 1. 3. 4. 5. 2. 7. 6. 8. 9.
Dick 3. 2. 6. 1. 8. 5. 7. 4. 9.
Table of Votes Against
Wine -> A B C D E F G H I
Group Ranking -> 1 3 5 4 8 6 6 2 9
Votes Against -> 29 36 40 39 45 43 43 30 55
( 8 is the best possible, 72 is the worst)
Here is a measure of the correlation in the preferences of the judges which
ranges between 1.0 (perfect correlation) and 0.0 (no correlation):
W = 0.1318
The probability that random chance could be responsible for this correlation
is rather large, 0.3923. Most analysts would say that unless this
probability is less than 0.1, the judges' preferences are not strongly
We now analyze how each taster's preferences are correlated with the group
preference. A correlation of 1.0 means that the taster's preferences are a
perfect predictor of the group's preferences. A 0.0 means no correlation,
while a -1.0 means that the taster has the reverse ranking of the group.
This is measured by the correlation R.
Correlation Between the Ranks of
Each Person With the Average Ranking of Others
Name of Person Correlation R Correlation Price
Dick 0.3798 0.5439
John 0.3333 -0.0084
Orley 0.2259 0.7029
Mike 0.0760 -0.1757
Burt -0.0168 -0.2929
Ed -0.0753 -0.1004
Bob -0.1674 0.0084
Zaki -0.2008 0.4017
The wines were preferred by the judges in the following order. When the
preferences of the judges are strong enough to permit meaningful differentiation
among the wines, they are separated by -------------------- and are judged to be
significantly different.
1. ........ 1st place Wine A is Chateau Musar 1979
2. ........ 2nd place Wine H is 1998
3. ........ 3rd place Wine B is 1987
4. ........ 4th place Wine D is 1986
5. ........ 5th place Wine C is 1980
6. tied for 6th place Wine G is 1991
7. tied for 6th place Wine F is 1993
8. ........ 8th place Wine E is 1981
9. ........ 9th place Wine I is 1996
We now test whether the ranksums AS A WHOLE provide a significant ordering.
The Friedman Chi-square value is 8.4333. The probability that this could
happen by chance is 0.3923
We now test whether the group ranking of wines is correlated with the
prices of the wines. The rank correlation between them is 0.3950. At the
10% level of significance this would have to exceed the critical value of
0.4830 to be significant.
We now undertake a more detailed examination of the pair-wise rank correla-
tions that exist between pairs of judges. First, we present a table in which you
can find the correlation for any pair of judges, by finding one of the names in the
left hand margin and the other name on top of a column. A second table arranges
these correlations in descending order and marks which is significantly positive
significantly negative, or not significant. This may allow you to find clusters
of judges whose rankings were particularly similar or particularly dissimilar.
Pairwise Rank Correlations
Correlations must exceed in absolute value 0.70 for significance at the 0.05
level and must exceed 0.60 for significance at the 0.1 level
Bob Ed Mike
Bob 1.000 -0.533 -0.067
Ed -0.533 1.000 0.000
Mike -0.067 0.000 1.000
Burt -0.517 0.683 0.100
Zaki 0.033 -0.050 -0.250
John 0.750 -0.333 0.100
Orley -0.367 -0.033 0.233
Dick 0.317 -0.050 -0.033
Burt Zaki John
Bob -0.517 0.033 0.750
Ed 0.683 -0.050 -0.333
Mike 0.100 -0.250 0.100
Burt 1.000 -0.667 -0.250
Zaki -0.667 1.000 0.117
John -0.250 0.117 1.000
Orley -0.250 0.467 -0.100
Dick 0.133 -0.117 0.583
Orley Dick
Bob -0.367 0.317
Ed -0.033 -0.050
Mike 0.233 -0.033
Burt -0.250 0.133
Zaki 0.467 -0.117
John -0.100 0.583
Orley 1.000 0.317
Dick 0.317 1.000
Pairwise correlations in descending order
0.750 Bob and John Significantly positive
0.683 Ed and Burt Significantly positive
0.583 John and Dick Not significant
0.467 Zaki and Orley Not significant
0.317 Bob and Dick Not significant
0.317 Orley and Dick Not significant
0.233 Mike and Orley Not significant
0.133 Burt and Dick Not significant
0.117 Zaki and John Not significant
0.100 Mike and John Not significant
0.100 Mike and Burt Not significant
0.033 Bob and Zaki Not significant
0.000 Ed and Mike Not significant
-0.033 Mike and Dick Not significant
-0.033 Ed and Orley Not significant
-0.050 Ed and Dick Not significant
-0.050 Ed and Zaki Not significant
-0.067 Bob and Mike Not significant
-0.100 John and Orley Not significant
-0.117 Zaki and Dick Not significant
-0.250 Mike and Zaki Not significant
-0.250 Burt and Orley Not significant
-0.250 Burt and John Not significant
-0.333 Ed and John Not significant
-0.367 Bob and Orley Not significant
-0.517 Bob and Burt Not significant
-0.533 Bob and Ed Not significant
-0.667 Burt and Zaki Significantly negative
It is a pleasure to drink a vertical from a much less covered region
such as Lebanon. (See for a
detailed description.)
And the wines did not disappoint and confirmed many of
the groups intermittent exposure to the wine. The style overall is
characterized by a rich sweet style that is pleasurable to drink. The
wines do obviously very well with bottle age, the 1979 being the oldest
and the highest rated and the 1998 is the second highest. The balance and
acidity was good in all the wines. The Internet literature suggests that
the 1987 (our rank 3) is flawed which we did not find to be so. One
taster suggested that the wines are not "sweet," but "rich" and portlike.
One taster opined that the 1979 Musar reminded him of a Ducru Beaucaillou.
What was very interesting is that the 1993 generated a bipolar distribu-
tion, with three taster ranked it No. 1 or 2 and three ranked it No. 9. The
overall agreement in the group was not overwhelming, but even so, the 1996
showed up as significantly "bad."
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