Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Richard E. Quandt, V. 1.65
Number of Judges = 8
Number of Wines = 8
Identification of the Wine: The judges' overall ranking:
Wine A is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2001 ........ 4th place
Wine B is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2007 ........ 5th place
Wine C is Kistler Vineyard 2000 ........ 7th place
Wine D is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2006 ........ 2nd place
Wine E is Kistler Vineyard 1999 ........ 8th place
Wine F is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2004 ........ 3rd place
Wine G is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2008 ........ 6th place
Wine H is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2005 ........ 1st place
The Judges's Rankings
Judge Wine -> A B C D E F G H
Frank 7. 4. 6. 3. 8. 5. 2. 1.
Orley 1. 6. 7. 4. 8. 5. 3. 2.
Ed 3. 5. 4. 2. 6. 1. 8. 7.
Mike 6. 5. 7. 1. 8. 4. 2. 3.
Burt 5. 6. 8. 3. 7. 1. 4. 2.
Bob 3. 5. 4. 7. 8. 2. 6. 1.
Zaki 3. 4. 1. 2. 8. 6. 7. 5.
Dick 5. 2. 3. 4. 8. 7. 6. 1.
Table of Votes Against
Wine -> A B C D E F G H
Group Ranking -> 4 5 7 2 8 3 6 1
Votes Against -> 33 37 40 26 61 31 38 22
( 8 is the best possible, 64 is the worst)
Here is a measure of the correlation in the preferences of the judges which
ranges between 1.0 (perfect correlation) and 0.0 (no correlation):
W = 0.3631
The probability that random chance could be responsible for this correlation
is quite small, 0.0049. Most analysts would say that unless this
probability is less than 0.1, the judges' preferences are not strongly
We now analyze how each taster's preferences are correlated with the group
preference. A correlation of 1.0 means that the taster's preferences are a
perfect predictor of the group's preferences. A 0.0 means no correlation,
while a -1.0 means that the taster has the reverse ranking of the group.
This is measured by the correlation R.
Correlation Between the Ranks of
Each Person With the Average Ranking of Others
Name of Person Correlation R
Burt 0.6429
Mike 0.5509
Frank 0.5030
Orley 0.4524
Bob 0.4192
Dick 0.3571
Zaki 0.1667
Ed 0.0732
The wines were preferred by the judges in the following order. When the
preferences of the judges are strong enough to permit meaningful differentiation
among the wines, they are separated by -------------------- and are judged to be
significantly different.
1. ........ 1st place Wine H is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2005
2. ........ 2nd place Wine D is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2006
3. ........ 3rd place Wine F is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2004
4. ........ 4th place Wine A is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2001
5. ........ 5th place Wine B is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2007
6. ........ 6th place Wine G is Kistler Cuvée Catherine 2008
7. ........ 7th place Wine C is Kistler Vineyard 2000
8. ........ 8th place Wine E is Kistler Vineyard 1999
We now test whether the ranksums AS A WHOLE provide a significant ordering.
The Friedman Chi-square value is 20.3333. The probability that this could
happen by chance is 0.0049
We now undertake a more detailed examination of the pair-wise rank correla-
tions that exist between pairs of judges. First, we present a table in which you
can find the correlation for any pair of judges, by finding one of the names in the
left hand margin and the other name on top of a column. A second table arranges
these correlations in descending order and marks which is significantly positive
significantly negative, or not significant. This may allow you to find clusters
of judges whose rankings were particularly similar or particularly dissimilar.
Pairwise Rank Correlations
Correlations must exceed in absolute value 0.74 for significance at the 0.05
level and must exceed 0.64 for significance at the 0.1 level
Frank Orley Ed
Frank 1.000 0.476 -0.357
Orley 0.476 1.000 -0.048
Ed -0.357 -0.048 1.000
Mike 0.857 0.548 0.000
Burt 0.595 0.571 0.238
Bob 0.262 0.500 0.167
Zaki 0.000 0.119 0.476
Dick 0.548 0.262 -0.167
Mike Burt Bob
Frank 0.857 0.595 0.262
Orley 0.548 0.571 0.500
Ed 0.000 0.238 0.167
Mike 1.000 0.738 0.071
Burt 0.738 1.000 0.476
Bob 0.071 0.476 1.000
Zaki 0.048 -0.214 0.190
Dick 0.238 0.000 0.429
Zaki Dick
Frank 0.000 0.548
Orley 0.119 0.262
Ed 0.476 -0.167
Mike 0.048 0.238
Burt -0.214 0.000
Bob 0.190 0.429
Zaki 1.000 0.595
Dick 0.595 1.000
Pairwise correlations in descending order
0.857 Frank and Mike Significantly positive
0.738 Mike and Burt Significantly positive
0.595 Frank and Burt Not significant
0.595 Zaki and Dick Not significant
0.571 Orley and Burt Not significant
0.548 Orley and Mike Not significant
0.548 Frank and Dick Not significant
0.500 Orley and Bob Not significant
0.476 Burt and Bob Not significant
0.476 Frank and Orley Not significant
0.476 Ed and Zaki Not significant
0.429 Bob and Dick Not significant
0.262 Frank and Bob Not significant
0.262 Orley and Dick Not significant
0.238 Ed and Burt Not significant
0.238 Mike and Dick Not significant
0.190 Bob and Zaki Not significant
0.167 Ed and Bob Not significant
0.119 Orley and Zaki Not significant
0.071 Mike and Bob Not significant
0.048 Mike and Zaki Not significant
0.000 Burt and Dick Not significant
0.000 Ed and Mike Not significant
0.000 Frank and Zaki Not significant
-0.048 Orley and Ed Not significant
-0.167 Ed and Dick Not significant
-0.214 Burt and Zaki Not significant
-0.357 Frank and Ed Not significant
This tasting represents the inclusion of the very rare cuvée
Catherine in a tasting of Kistler Pinot Noirs. We wondered how this wine would
taste among its peers of multiple vintages. Our conclusion was this
is a great wine that is enjoyable back through 1999, 15 years. The
hypothesis to be investigated, as stated by our host, was whether Kistler Pinot Noirs age as
well as old Burgundies. Out tentative conclusion, having disregarded
the data from a flawed bottle and confirmed by a tasting of the same vintage
from another bottle was that these wines, while being fabulous,
appeared to peak in the 7-9 year window. We had an incredibly generous
host who, when faced with a 1999 which was flawed, replaced it with
a fresh bottle. In addition, our generous host provided a fresh bottle
of the 2009 vintage as well. Thus, we were able to taste the 2009 and
the 1999, each from fresh bottles, to assess the effects of age on
the wines. The 1999 Kistler replacement was a Sonoma coast versus
Russian river, which may or may not be signifcant. Unlike many other
tastings, the wines did not change very much in taste or bouquet after
they were opened. This tasting was a truly memorable experience.
It is worth mentioning that since April 2004, one or two Kistler Pinot Noirs
(for a total of six) in four different tastings (not counting the present one),
matched in each case by other American Pinot Noirs and Burgundy Pinot Noirs
(in one tasting a New Zealand Pinot was also included). The six Kistlers ranked
in their respective tastings first in three tastings (once tied for first place),
second once, and fifth twice, a remarkable overall record.
The Kendall W coefficient is 0.3631, and the probability that this could have
occurred by chance is a mere 0.0049, a highly significant result. Since there
was almost complete agreement that wine E was flawed, one may wonder to what extent
overall result is driven by the agreement on wine E. To account for that, we reranked
the results as if wine E had not existed at all. Note that we are not proposing to
make fiduciary statements about the results of this reranking, since using (part of)
the data for such an exercise would not be valid; accordingly we are solely interested
inthe mechanical alteration of the results. The upshot of this exercise is that the W
coefficient declines to 0.1440 and the probability that this could have occurred by
chance increases to 0.3292, from which we would have inferred that no significant agreement
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