Copyright (c) 1995-2006
Number of judges = 10
Number of wines = 8
The wines and their identifying code designations
Wine name Code
Saviah, Une Vallee, Walla Walla, 2003 A
Vigouroux, Gouleyant, Cahors, 2004 B
Chateaux La Vieille Cure, Fronsac, 2003 C
Sarget de Gruaud-Larose, St Julien, 2003 D
Ridgefield, Cab Sauv/Franc, Columbia Valley,03 E
Columbia Crest, Two Vines, Cabernet Sauv, 2003 F
Chateau Gloria, St Julien, 2003 G
Woodward Canyon, Cab Old Vines, Columbia Val,03 H
Rank Table for Judges
Judge Wine -> A B C D E F G H
Raechelle 6. 4. 7. 5. 8. 2. 3. 1.
Ben 4. 2. 7. 6. 8. 5. 3. 1.
Pete 8. 7. 3. 5. 1. 6. 4. 2.
Kyoko 2. 8. 6. 7. 4. 5. 3. 1.
Jim 5. 4. 6. 3. 1. 7. 2. 8.
Regina 2. 3. 4. 8. 1. 6. 5. 7.
Denise 7. 5. 3. 4. 8. 6. 2. 1.
Don 5. 6. 2. 4. 7. 8. 1. 3.
Steve 1. 7. 6. 5. 8. 4. 3. 2.
Karl 4. 7. 1. 8. 5. 6. 3. 2.
Table of Votes Against
Wine -> A B C D E F G H
1 1. 0. 1. 0. 3. 0. 1. 4.
2 2. 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. 3.
3 0. 1. 2. 1. 0. 0. 5. 1.
4 2. 2. 1. 2. 1. 1. 1. 0.
5 2. 1. 0. 3. 1. 2. 1. 0.
6 1. 1. 3. 1. 0. 4. 0. 0.
7 1. 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 0. 1.
8 1. 1. 0. 2. 4. 1. 0. 1.
Votes -> 44. 53. 45. 55. 51. 55. 29. 28.
We now measure the amount of correlation (W) among the judges:
W = 1.0 => perfect correlation, W = 0 => no correlation
We also provide a probability measure that this correlation is due to chance
In this case the correlation is = 0.2014
Probability that correlation is due to chance = 0.0494
We compute the correlation of each taster with the average ranking of the oth-
ers and with prices. 1.0 => perfect, 0 => none, -1.0 => total disagreement
Name of Person Correlation R Correlation Price
Karl 0.7591 0.5000
Don 0.5749 0.6667
Kyoko 0.5238 0.7143
Denise 0.4671 0.5000
Steve 0.3133 0.7143
Ben 0.1667 0.4048
Raechelle 0.0838 0.1667
Pete -0.0479 0.1429
Regina -0.4551 -0.2143
Jim -0.5150 -0.1429
Rank correlation between the average ranking of wines and the prices
Correlation = 0.7904
Critical value = 0.5240
Table of Aggregate Wine Quality
Wine Ranksum Significance Wine Ranksum Significance
Alphabetic Order Ranksum Order
C 45.0 A 44.0
D 55.0 C 45.0
E 51.0 E 51.0
F 55.0 B 53.0
Friedman Test: Chi-square = 14.1000 Probability = 0.0494
Identification of Wines Votes Against
Wine A is Saviah, Une Vallee, Walla Walla, 2003 44.
Wine B is Vigouroux, Gouleyant, Cahors, 2004 53.
Wine C is Chateaux Le Vieille Cure, Fronsac, 2003 45.
Wine D is Sarget de Gruaud-Larose, St Julien, 2003 55.
Wine E is Ridgefield, Cab Sauv/Franc, Columbia Valley,0 51.
Wine F is Columbia Crest, Two Vines, Cabernet Sauv, 200 55.
Wine G is Chateau Gloria, St Julien, 2003 29.
Wine H is Woodward Canyon, Cab Old Vines, Columbia Val, 28.
Pairwise Rank Correlations
Correlations must exceed in absolute value 0.74 for significance at the 0.0
level and must exceed 0.64 for significance at the 0.1 level
Raechelle Ben Pete
Raechelle 1.000 0.786 -0.143
Ben 0.786 1.000 -0.310
Pete -0.143 -0.310 1.000
Kyoko 0.262 0.310 0.262
Jim -0.548 -0.405 0.143
Regina -0.667 -0.286 -0.048
Denise 0.571 0.524 0.286
Don 0.095 0.238 0.262
Steve 0.524 0.548 -0.333
Karl 0.000 0.095 0.452
Kyoko Jim Regina
Raechelle 0.262 -0.548 -0.667
Ben 0.310 -0.405 -0.286
Pete 0.262 0.143 -0.048
Kyoko 1.000 -0.238 0.048
Jim -0.238 1.000 0.405
Regina 0.048 0.405 1.000
Denise 0.167 -0.357 -0.667
Don 0.238 0.000 -0.310
Steve 0.714 -0.476 -0.333
Karl 0.595 -0.357 0.119
Denise Don Steve
Raechelle 0.571 0.095 0.524
Ben 0.524 0.238 0.548
Pete 0.286 0.262 -0.333
Kyoko 0.167 0.238 0.714
Jim -0.357 0.000 -0.476
Regina -0.667 -0.310 -0.333
Denise 1.000 0.810 0.333
Don 0.810 1.000 0.333
Steve 0.333 0.333 1.000
Karl 0.476 0.619 0.333
Raechelle 0.000
Ben 0.095
Pete 0.452
Kyoko 0.595
Jim -0.357
Regina 0.119
Denise 0.476
Don 0.619
Steve 0.333
Karl 1.000
Pairwise correlations in descending order
0.810 Denise and Don Significantly positive
0.786 Raechelle and Ben Significantly positive
0.714 Kyoko and Steve Significantly positive
0.619 Don and Karl Not significant
0.595 Kyoko and Karl Not significant
0.571 Raechelle and Denise Not significant
0.548 Ben and Steve Not significant
0.524 Raechelle and Steve Not significant
0.524 Ben and Denise Not significant
0.476 Denise and Karl Not significant
0.452 Pete and Karl Not significant
0.405 Jim and Regina Not significant
0.333 Steve and Karl Not significant
0.333 Denise and Steve Not significant
0.333 Don and Steve Not significant
0.310 Ben and Kyoko Not significant
0.286 Pete and Denise Not significant
0.262 Raechelle and Kyoko Not significant
0.262 Pete and Kyoko Not significant
0.262 Pete and Don Not significant
0.238 Kyoko and Don Not significant
0.238 Ben and Don Not significant
0.167 Kyoko and Denise Not significant
0.143 Pete and Jim Not significant
0.119 Regina and Karl Not significant
0.095 Raechelle and Don Not significant
0.095 Ben and Karl Not significant
0.048 Kyoko and Regina Not significant
0.000 Raechelle and Karl Not significant
0.000 Jim and Don Not significant
-0.048 Pete and Regina Not significant
-0.143 Raechelle and Pete Not significant
-0.238 Kyoko and Jim Not significant
-0.286 Ben and Regina Not significant
-0.310 Ben and Pete Not significant
-0.310 Regina and Don Not significant
-0.333 Pete and Steve Not significant
-0.333 Regina and Steve Not significant
-0.357 Jim and Denise Not significant
-0.357 Jim and Karl Not significant
-0.405 Ben and Jim Not significant
-0.476 Jim and Steve Not significant
-0.548 Raechelle and Jim Not significant
-0.667 Regina and Denise Significantly negative
-0.667 Raechelle and Regina Significantly negative
Everybody descried the Columbia Crest (F) as very sweet. The Sarget de Gruad-Larose
was decribed as approachable and having a licorice finish (Don)....
We also took guesses which of the 8 wines were from France or Washington State, respectively.
(We had 4 from each region). Most people guessed wrong 4 times.
Only Kyoko was wrong only twice. The wine that was mistaken most was the
Chateau La Vieille Cure. Seven of us thought this wine were a WA state wine.
Similarly, six judges thought wine D (Sarget de Gruaud-Larose) were a WA state wine.
On the other hand, seven judges correctly identified wine B (Cahors) as a French wine.Interestingly, six
people thought that the winner wine (Woodward Canyon from WA state)
were from France and even eight people thought that of the second winner (Gloria).
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